Posted in August 2017, Haiku, Haiku Horizons Weekly Prompt

Picnic Post

Seagull on a picnic table
Always at his post

Watching over the breadcrumbs

His favorite place


Haiku Horizons Weekly Challenge Week 179 Prompt: Post

Posted in June 2013

Picnic in the Park

Dark gray clouds hang overhead,
Their presence threatens to bring
An end to outdoor plans for the day,
Ominously, they hover and cling.

Everyone plans to seek cover,
If raindrops begin to fall.
Silently some sit, watch and wait,
While others gather to cover all.

The gray clouds slowly drift north,
Away from our area of concern.
White clouds reveal a sunny sky,
Sighs release, and smiles return.

Plans once again move forward,
As there’s no rain  in sight.
The picnic proceeds outdoors in the park,
Stopping only as day turns into night.

Leona J. Atkinson