Posted in Haiga, Haiku, Haiku Horizons Weekly Prompt, September 2014

Train of Fire

forest fire, Haiku
Original Poetry by Leona J. Atkinson ©2014
(Image from

According to one definition of “train” is: the series of results or circumstances following or proceeding from an event, action, etc.; aftermath  In my Haiku “A Train of Fire” I seek to raise awareness of the yearly increase of damages to our forests in the Pacific Northwest because of Forest fires. Not only are many acres of trees damaged or lost, wildlife suffer loss of homes and people often do also.  Firefighters risk their lives and health while fighting these fires so often uncontainable because of the wind and dry conditions. As Smoky the Bear says “only you can prevent Forest fires”. Please consider and do your part to protect our natural resources.

Haiku Horizons Weekly Challenge: Week #30–Prompt: Train