Posted in Senryu

Birthday Blessings Bestowed

Me on my 76th birthday

Special days happen

Because people take time

To make them so


I enjoyed a very special birthday today because so many people took the time to make it so for me. My family, friends, neighbors and acquaintances all shared their wishes in some way to make the day great, and for that I am feeling especially grateful and blessed!

Posted in Double Syllable Lune

This Evening

Empty chairs

All’s that left now is

Empty Chairs

Minutes before

They held my dear ones

Time moves

Swiftly, savor it

Double Syllable Lune

Tonight my grand-daughter and her boyfriend came over for supper. We ate, had cake for dessert, played cards, talked and laughed. The two hours of time went by so quickly. After they said their goodbyes, I looked around at the empty chairs and quiet house and was reminded how fast time goes.

Thankful for the memories.

Posted in Tanka

Ordinary Objects

Dinner plate, knife, fork

During quarantine

Learning the value of our

Ordinary objects

Cookbooks, ovens, dinner plates

Become familiar


I grew up in a time when people rarely ate out, at least those I knew. My family always ate meals at home around our big Formica kitchen table where conversation was shared along with mom’s wonderful home cooking.

I learned to cook and bake from my mom and aunt, most of my friends did also. It was just an ordinary part of life back then.

High School had Home Ec classes and Shop classes as part of our learning experience, to prepare us for living as adults.

There were some restaurants, but our family rarely ate out. A treat for us was to occasionally eat a light supper out on a Friday night shopping trip downtown at Woolworth’s lunch counter. We would order toasted egg salad sandwiches with pickles on the side and potato chips. As we waited for our food we would watch what was called the “dumb waiter” open and close as it carried food up and dish tubs down as the kitchen was downstairs from the counter above.

So cooking my meals at home during this time of quarantine has not been a big change for me at all, as that is what I usually do anyhow. I feel it tastes better and is less costly to do so, although I do occasionally like to order a pizza or sub sandwich at a local restaurant as a treat.

But many people during this time of virus, are having to learn to cook as they stay home in quarantine. It is a new experience for them as they were accustomed to frequently eating out. They are now sharing recipes and pictures of their dinner creations on Facebook. The family dinner table is being restored, and ordinary things like ovens, and mixing bowls, are being used again.

That is the good I see coming out in all of this. That is the part of this I hope has some lasting effect, as immediate families grow closer together and spend more quality time at home, and life slows down to bring appreciation of ordinary things.

NaPiWriMo Day 8–Prompt: Ordinary Things

Posted in Butterfly Cinquain

Leap Day

Leaping Rabbit original watercolor by Leona J Atkinson 2020
Leaping Rabbit original watercolor by Leona J Atkinson 2020


An extra day,

What shall I do with it?

Making a special memory

To look

Back on

If I am blessed to be alive

Four years from now, if not,

Then it’s for my


Butterfly Cinquain

Posted in Tanka

Morris-Angel of Friendship

Morris the Cat—2004-2019
Morris the Cat—2004-2019

An angel left us

Silently, went to heaven

Christmas Eve morn.

Fifteen years of her friendship

Remains in our memories.


A tribute to our family cat who passed away this last Christmas Eve morning.

Posted in December 2019, Tanka

The Waiting

Christmas Bags of Gifts

After Thanksgiving

It all began happening

Planning, purchasing

Decorating and wrapping

Now we sit and wait for morn


Our family is having our Christmas tomorrow morning because that’s the only time everyone can get together at once.

Presents are wrapped, cookies are baked, and I’m ready to go!

Tonight I am just resting, watching Christmas movies, nibbling on a few cookies, and waiting for morning 😊

Posted in Acrostic, November 2019

List of Thanks

Cornucopia with an abundance of fruit and lights

Thankful for:

Home, hope, happiness, health, hugs

Another day, abundance, ambition, Ark

Nice neighbors, non-fiction, nuts, nose

Kindness, keepsakes, knowledge, kisses

Sunrises and sunsets seen, suppers, soap

God, grandchildren, gratitude, gifts, glue

Invitations, inspirations, imagination, ice

Victories, verbs, voice, vision, vim, vigor,

Ideas, income increase, internet, invites

Needs met, nature, noises, naps, Nativity

Goodness and Generous Grace of God


I am also thankful for my family, friends and followers.

Happy Thanksgiving and Blessings to all of you!

Posted in August 2019, Senryu

Friday Night Fun

Family pic

Family and friends

Gathering in the town square

Summertime fun


Grand-daughter, her boyfriend and I enjoyed a fun night of music in the park and a Classic Car Show. Grand-daughter brought her ‘85 RX-7 to show off 🙂 and we got to listen to our favorite country music singer too. I love Summer!!

Posted in Uncategorized


White dog, family pet

Tears of sadness fall

On cheeks young and old

Hearts mourn your presence

As death takes you

Leaving us to grieve

Elegy-Syllabic Verse

In Memory of Koda-a beloved family pet

#NaPoWriMo—Day 18–Today, I’d like to challenge you to write an elegy of your own, one in which the abstraction of sadness is communicated not through abstract words, but physical detail

Posted in April 2019, NaPoWriMo 2019, Villanelle

Past and Present

My Dad 1967 standing near what was left of his childhood home in Sisseton, South Dakota

My Dad 1967 standing near what was left of his childhood home in Sisseton, South Dakota

My people are all gone away

Leaving me with memories

That live on and stay

Siblings can no longer play

Under the South Dakota trees

They are all gone away

I alone stand today

With active sensories

That live on and stay

Under the heavy clouds of gray

I see them in reveries

They are all gone away

My pen searches to convey

Words filled with remedies

That live on and stay

Reaching to grasp each past day

I stand yet float feathery

They are all gone away

That live on and stay


(“They are all gone away” line taken from:”The House on the Hill” by Edwin Arlington Robinson—a Villanelle Poem)

(“They are all gone away” and “That live on and stay” are two phrases that oppose each other)

#NaPoWriMo 2019–Day 5-Prompt: today we’d like to challenge you to write a poem that incorporates at least one of the following: (1) the villanelle form, (2) lines taken from an outside text, and/or (3) phrases that oppose each other in some way. If you can use two elements, great – and if you can do all three,