Posted in April 2014, April 2014 PAD Challenge, Cinquain, NaPoWriMo 2014

Why Do Lions Roar?

Why Do Lions Roar?  Graphic of a lion roaring--Cinquain poem
Lion graphic from

Why do lions roar?

They roar to communicate with each other and they roar to proclaim where their territory is, they do this every evening.
Roaring is also one of their strategies for catching prey – they creep up on the prey and when they are close enough,
they will let out a roar that confuses that animal(s) and strikes fear into the lion’s prey.
The prey then cannot “think” or react correctly out of fear and so is trapped and caught by the lion.–Wiki Answers

[NaPoWriMo–Day 13]   [April 2014 PAD Challenge: Day 13–Animal poem]