Posted in Haiku, Shape

Summer’s UnWanted Visitor

Snail shape poem

Covid keeps crawling

Slowly creeping thru our land

Moving like a snail


Posted in Choka, January 2019

Fear’s Shadow

Shadow, poetry,
Image and poetry created by Leona J. Atkinson

It came creeping

In the dark night of my soul

Fear over shadowed

Covering like a thick fog

I lay paralized

Frozen in its doubt and dread

Until a shaft of hope

Broke through the darkness bringing

Strenght to rise and overcome


“When you face fear it evaporates. Shadows cannot stand light. —LeAura Alderson

This quote by LeAura is very true.

And this poem I wrote today is written from one of my true experiences with fear. We must face our fears and when we do they will dissipate.

Shakespeare also said it well:

“Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.”

(This quote has also helped me to face fears many times in my life.)