Posted in Haiku

Seeds of Happiness

Bookmark with Happiness quote

Much better to share

Scatter seeds everywhere

Fill the world with flowers


Posted in Double Butterfly Cinquain

Never Give up

Large rock, dandelions

Are you

Facing a rock

Being seen as unwanted

Seeing your chance for wishes

Cut down


They had the opportunity to

Become airbourne

Never give up

Stand firm

Dig in

Let your faith grow

Deep, be tenacious, for

Someday, someone will stop


And see

Your beauty and your true worth

For we all have a purpose

That’s waiting to be


Double Butterfly Cinquain

Today as I was out walking I stopped near this big rock where I saw two dandelions blooming and one that had gone to seed lying down on the ground as if crushed, probably by the landscapers mower hitting it.

It intrigued me enough to snap a picture and also was inspiration for this poem.

Posted in Choka, October 2019

In My Own Backyard

Backyard rock garden

Walking thru this world

Alone, looking for friends?

Searching for joy and love?

I found them unexpectedly

In my backyard.

Getting to know my neighbors

Common interests

Betters our community

And inspires one another


This summer I was blessed to get to know a few of my neighbor’s better.

It all happened because of a fallen tree in my backyard.

One windy stormy night last Spring a good sized evergreen in my yard was taken down by lightening or wind. Thankfully it fell away from the building and caused no harm.

A few days later a maintenance man cut the tree down and hauled it away leaving a big stump where it had been.

For many days I would gaze out my window at that stump, missing the tree and thinking something needed to take its place to brighten up the yard.

Since I am fond of rock gardens and painting inspirational rocks I decided to put some plants and rocks in around the stump.

My grandson helped me move a potted plant I had to sit on the stump. Then we planted some flowering ground cover perennials and seeds. Since the ground around the stump was so hard and root filled we couldn’t easily dig or plant much but we managed to get some flowers in. Then we put a few rocks around.

A few weeks later my granddaughter came over and we painted a bunch of inspirational rocks to put out.

Through all of this a few of my neighbors who I didn’t really know well were watching the progression and they came out to admire and ask if they could help. They added more unique beautiful items and one of them offered to water the plants daily.

Through all this the project grew and blossomed and we all became friends and now are sharing a common interest of beautifying our backyards to benefit us all.

Posted in July 2019, Senryu

Speak Seeds

Plant, in hands, seedling

Twas just a few words

They caused a mind to think

A seed was planted


Words are also seeds, and when dropped into the invisible spiritual substance, they grow and bring forth after their kind. –Charles Fillmore

(So then, be sure the words you speak are good words)

Posted in July 2019, Syllabic Verse

Just One Word

Blackboard, open journal, flowers, message Write! It all begins with one word

Today I wrote a word

Just one short word

It sat there awhile

All alone it sat

Until inspiration

Caused it to grow

And multiply itself

Creating a story

Of three thousand words

The power of pen

And inspiration

Can change the world

Syllabic Verse

Posted in June 2019, Tanka

Don’t Just Survive—Thrive!

Orange Poppy plant in bloom

Don’t just be content

To bloom where you’re planted

Thrive! Flourish! Rise!

Always be seeking to grow

Expand your territory


My little orange poppy plant is so amazing. This is the third time it’s bloomed this Spring. Every time I think it’s done, it surprises me with more blooms! It’s a Thriver!