Posted in Haibun, October 2019

Majestic Mount Hood

Mount Hood in Oregon
Mount Hood image from Wikipedia

Snow capped giant

Rises before me, I gaze

In awestruck wonder

Once more, Mount Hood, the sight of you has taken my breath away. Though miles away from me you loom in front of me like a blockade. Clouds hover above your snow capped peak. I gasp. You are intimidating, yet so beautiful.

I remember when I visited you and stood at your base, smelled your mountain air, and trembled at your majesty.

None other I have seen strike me with awe like you do giant rock.


OctPoWriMo 2019

For info on Mount Hood visit this link:

Posted in January 2015

Mt. Hood

Mt. Hood--Oregon--Rictameter poem
Original Poetry and Photograph by Leona J. Atkinson ©2015

Oregon’s highest mountain–Mt. Hood  is also one of the loftiest mountains in our nation.
I feel blessed that I am able to live so close to it, visit it, and photograph it.