Posted in Rhyme


Yellow Roses in bloom
My yellow rose in bloom

Neighbor’s helping hand

Good news in the mail

Peace where I stand

Counting my blessings

Makes me feel grand!


Just a simple little rhyme today as I sit counting my blessings.

Sometimes I just stand and look at my roses in bloom and give thanks for their beauty.

Sometimes I see my neighbor’s friendly faces or am the recipient of their helping hands and am so grateful.

Sometimes when I see news reports of all the chaos, sadness and destruction going on all around the world I give thanks it is not happening in my little corner of the world.

And as I count my blessings, I pray for those who can’t.

I hope you who are reading this today are blessed and enjoying many little things in your life that are bringing you joy and happiness even in the midst of this pandemic.

Posted in Triolet

Pandemic Peace Please

Painted Rock with message “Go in Peace”

We’re all in this together

So let’s not argue and fight

We all want things as they were

We’re all in this together

So let’s just all concur

Not debate who’s wrong or right

We’re all in this together

So let’s not argue and fight


Posted in Cinquain

Seeking Togetherness

Abstract artwork a collaboration by @LeonasDesigns and @HerringPondPottery 2020 and
Abstract artwork a collaboration by @LeonasDesigns and @HerringPondPottery 2020 and

In the

Middle of this chaos

Can we find common ground

Where all of us can live in peace



Posted in August 2014, Choka

Haven of Rest

Garden bench under the pine trees

Come sit awhile

On the comfy garden bench,

Neath’ the tall pine trees.

Let the sun melt away your cares.

Close your eyes and rest.

Nature’s tranquility

Will refresh your soul,

And you will leave renewed

To face another day of life.


Posted in Choka


Chaos acrylic painting

Peace is lost, chaos reigns,

As masked voices protest

“We cannot breathe”.

Colors war with one another,

All seeking their rights,

As Covid looms, bringing death.

“Be gone from us!”

We cry out in desperation

Grieving for what used to be.


Posted in Choka

Nature’s Refuge

My garden

In the early morn,

Rising with the summer sun,

Waking with the birds,

I sit among trees and flowers,

Sipping coffee as

Windchimes serenade me.

A squirrel scurries,

Butterflies flutter, bees buzz.

My garden shuts out the world.


Posted in Free Verse

Inspiration Corner

Inspiration Rock Garden created by Leona J Atkinson June 2020
My Inspiration Rock Garden created in the corner of my back yard June 2020

Smile at everyone

Believe in yourself

Respect others

Dream a million dreams

Create joy and gladness

Imagine new things

Bless everyone and everything

Faith gives strength

Grace is needed daily

Kindness is always welcomed

Peace is precious

Love is the greatest treasure

Hope is an anchor

Joy is contagious-give some away

Free Verse

I had been wanting to create a place to share my painted rocks with others and also offer the opportunity for others to place and share rocks they paint, so after several months of hoping, dreaming, planning and praying it came to fruition in a wonderful way and today it was completed! I am very happy with how it all turned out and feel blessed that it has already been noticed, used, and admired by many in my neighborhood. I am hoping now that it continues to grow and expand!

Posted in Butterfly Cinquain

A Time For Prayer

Praying hands


Rain drizzels down

Overcast and cloudy

This weather matches many’s mood

As they

Try to

Navigate through an unsettled

World of tragic events

Sadly seeming


Butterfly Cinquain

As we have slowly been moving toward a happier time of things once again starting to open up and get back to normal, enjoying warmer temperatures and a lifting of the virus, we are now in the US facing a time of senseless violence, brutal hatred, tearful sadness and racial rioting.

I am praying for our country and all people today in this sad time of rioting.

These are perilous times for all of us upon the earth as we have faced fires in Australia, a worldwide Virus pandemic and now nationwide racism rioting.

As I awoke to a dramatic weather change this morning going from sunny warm dry 70-80 degree days to a dark cloudy chilly rainy day in the 50’s, I felt the current weather was mimicking the news reports and the rain was God’s tears falling in response to the tragic death of George Floyd.

Therefore, I am praying for peace and goodwill for all peoples on earth.

I pray for a gentle healing rain that will put out the fires of hatred and wash away the prejudices as it brings a time of refreshing and healing to all of us.

May the clouds of dark thoughts disappear to let the light of justice and hope shine upon us, and may we, as people of all colors, find peace in the valley of our hearts.

Posted in NaPoWriMo 2020, Triolet

Sunshine and Flowers

White Daffodils in the sunshine

Ah, Sunshine and flowers

Are most wondrous things

Among which I can sit for hours

Ah, Sunshine and flowers

Watered by springtime showers

Sweetest sererinty brings

Ah, Sunshine and flowers

Are most wondrous things


NaPoWriMo Day 12–Prompt: Triolet